Engage Subjects
Points-Based System
Participants can earn points for completing forms and study events (e.g., enrollment), and then exchange those points for gift cards of their choice. Investigators can assign points to maximize participation and retention, including weighting points toward long-term study events (e.g., Form X = 100 points at Baseline and 400 points at Year 1).
Personalized Content
Participant's Data Drives Content
Participants can access Smart Content reports containing results, health education, disease information that is dynamically based on their own data to ensur the information is personnally relevant and engaging. Investigators can use include built-in tools (e.g., charts, graphs, logic-driven text) or any web-based material (e.g., videos, images, links).
One-Click Surveys
Simple, Guided Data Entry
Participants start data entry with a single click within an easy to understand interface, using a phone, tablet or PC. Participants can pause and return to data entry at any time, and are automatically guided to the first incomplete question so as to ensure all items are complete.
Advance Research
Sign Consent Using Mouse, Finger or Pen
Investigators can use recruitment tools to guide potential participants through the entire screening and enrollment process, including signing the informed consent. The process can be a single or multiple steps, and can be automatically administered by the participant or in combination with research staff interactions.
Disease & Design Independent
Flexible Setup
Investigators can accommodate a broad-range of study designs including clinical trials, observational studies, surveys and patient registries using a powerful set of features such as randomization, queries, screening, automated clinic notes, form versioning, adverse event reporting, medication tracking and analysis, single or multiple sites, scheduling, large file management, invoicing, electronic signatures, etc.
Integrated Environment
Easily Scale Up
Investigators can manage multiple studies within a single, integrated environment. Participants can be enrolled in one or more studies and their data (e.g., demographics, medication usage) entered once and shared across studies. All design elements (e.g., CRFs, reports, randomization configuration) can be copied and used in other studies.
Enhance Practice
Workflow Management
Ensure Tasks Are Complete
Clinicians can guide patients and staff through appropriate workflows to control the collection of information before, during and after a clinic visit so that documentation is complete and follow-up tasks are scheduled. Staff coordinate their efforts using a centralized calendar that spans across studies.
Leverage Decision Support
Implement Time Saving Algorithms
Investigators can utilize decision logic with full access to all collected data, simplifying the process of understanding and acting on large amounts of data. These calculations can incorporate variables from a single visit or multiple visits over time.
Visualize Case Information
Create Reports That Work
Investigators can build reports that are completely configurable to target specific needs. Using a drag-and-drop word-processor interface, reports leverage a broad range of features including conditional text (e.g., automated clinic notes), charts, graphs, tables, and a programmable interface for custom needs.
Publish Faster
Organize Research Output
Integrate Entire Biosketch
Investigators can organize research output (e.g., manuscripts, posters, talks, qualtiy control reports) and related materials (e.g., files, datasets) directly within the application. Research output can be instantly copied and used to form the basis of the next publication (e.g., serial analysis of annual follow-up data).
Connect Data To Manuscipts
On Demand Update Of Tables / Charts
Investigators can create and build tables and charts that are directly linked to study data. Results can be written up using an integrated word-processor and all the charts, tables and figures can be updated on-demand. Investigators can grant access to manuscripts / reports among other users as needed.
Streamline Analysis
Find Results Quicker
Investigators can create and manage datasets from one or more studies within a single area. Datasets may contain raw values, recoded variables (e.g., dummy variables), calculated variables (e.g., pulse pressure) and medication usage (e.g., Morphine dose equivalency scale). Run descriptive statistics within the application and seamlessly export data to statistical packages at any time.