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Business Case For Research Participant Compensation: From Cost to Asset
Discover how organizations are transforming the participant payment process to gain a strategic edge in research.

Clinicians Win: How Patients and Researchers Left Behind in Learning Health Systems.
Discover why Learning Health System features mainly benefit clinicians, as opposed to patients and researchers.

Having Your Learning Health System and Eating It Too!
Learn about the key ingredients to a Learning Health System and insights into how best to consume.

The Great Disease: A Patient Registry Bus Ride Out of Hades
Learn about setup tips and tricks to overcome some of the unique challenges of multi-specialty patient registries.

Data Deja Vu: Haven't I entered this before?
Learn about solving data entry requirements and functionality for accurate capture of repeating clinical events.

Healthcare Research: When To Shout The Emperor Has No Clothes
Learn about inherent limitations to Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) methods and how to avoid them in your quality improvement design.

Mapping Clinical Data To Well-Being Domains: Epilepsy Wellness Wheel
Learn about mapping clinical data to Health and Well-being domains, and building reports that are quickly and accurately understood.

Medication Adherence: Toppling Barriers With A Learning Health System
Learn about improving medication adherence using a Learning Health System. Case examples in an epilepsy population.

Learning Health Systems: Removing the Tinted Glasses
Learn about opening up health model components to better guide and evaluate the work of Learning Health Systems.

Tremor Registry: Shaking Up The Data Work Camp
Steps taken to transform a publication only patient registry into a useful clinical tool and engages patients in their care.

Neuropsychology 2.0: Sailing the SHiP-NP To New Ports
Summary of new tools that improve scoring and test interpretation, and engage patients in a collaborative, interac

Patient Disease Surveys: Turning Giants Into Windmills
Summary: Disease surveys in clinical settings have substantial benefits, but their use has been limited by a number of practical...

Visualizing Disease States: A Tale of Two Raters
Part IV Summary: Multi-rater assessment is a common approach used to characterize disease states, particularly among populations at risk...

Disease Information: Making It Relevant To Patients
Summary: There is a common look among newly diagnosed patients, the wide-eyed stare of information overload. Like deer in headlights, it...

Melanoma Tumor Location: A Utility-Driven Approach to Common Data Elements
Summary: The National Institute of Health (NIH) Common Data Elements (CDEs) initiative has taken a largely theory-driven approach to...
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